SALESSE, Alain (1958)

Alain Salesse, Noeuf 2, 2008. Céramique, émail, eau, lumière. 52 x 31 cm. Photo avec l’aimable autorisation de l’artiste.

Alain Salesse is a performer, videographer and multidisciplinary artist (drawing, sculpture and photography). He holds a BA in visual arts (1983) and a Certificate in college education from Université Laval (1984), as well as a Certificate in dance and a BA & Sc from the Université de Montréal (1990). In 1987, he held a solo exhibition of his sculptures at the Maison de la culture Côte-des-Neiges. In 1992 and 1993, videographic pieces earned him first prize in consecutive years from the Institute of Creative Research in Idaho. His work includes luminous sculptures that appeal to different senses: Surfaces portantes (2013), for example, comprised giant, glazed ceramic egg shells that emitted sound, light and smells.
